

Advent Quiz 2018 24 December


The first miracle Jesus performed was to turn water into wine at a wedding.

Which was the second miracle ?


A) He made a blind man see


B) He healed a lame and the man was able to take his bed and walk


C) He healed a dying boy


D) He healed a bleeding woman who touched his mantle


Correct answer will be given tomorrow. Feel free to share with friends and colleagues!  :-)


2018-12-24 @ 13:37:30

Correct Answer 23rd December: B) Viola Davis - She payed in the movies "The Help" and "Fences" which before it was made into a moviepic ran on Broadway. "Fences" is originally a theater play. :-)

2018-12-25 @ 10:02:48

Correct answer 24th Dec is C) He healed a dying boy John chapter 4 verse 46-54

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